UnitedHealthcare and Landmark Health bring care to you at home.

美国医疗保健 & Landmark logo co-branded

Landmark Health: In-Home Medical Care  Image

Landmark Health: In-Home Medical Care

UnitedHealthcare® has teamed up with Landmark to bring in-home medical care to eligible Medicare Advantage members.

Health Care that Comes to You

When you don't feel well, you may be able to stay home. Have the Landmark provider come to you. Landmark offers extra support at home from a team of local doctors, advanced practice providers, 药剂师, social workers and more. You will continue to see the providers you know and trust, including your primary care provider.

Health Care that Comes to You Image
里程碑式的服务 Image


Landmark brings care to you in person, over the phone or through video. Landmark is available at any time of the day or night, including when your regular provider’s office is closed.

Visits are based on your needs and your schedule. 具有里程碑意义的提供:
• In-home medical, mental health, and social care
• 紧急护理访问
• 程序访问
• Hospital post-discharge visits
• 24/7 telephone support

You can call Landmark for help with concerns, such as:
• Cuts, wounds, and rashes
• Fevers, colds, pneumonia, upper respiratory infections
• Urinary tract infections
• IV fluids, IV medications, catheter insertion/removal

Landmark can also check your home for fall hazards and other safety concerns. Our goal is to help you stay independent at home for as long as possible.


You may be eligible for Landmark’s services if you have multiple chronic conditions, 比如癌症, chronic kidney disease, coronary heart disease, 糖尿病。, pulmonary disease and more.

保持好. 呆在家里. Contact Landmark today!

Call the state you live in to learn more and schedule a Landmark provider to visit you at home.

阿拉巴马州 (Birmingham area):  1-866-607-3561

阿拉巴马州 (Mobile area):  1-866-607-1069

阿拉巴马州 (Montgomery area):  1-866-607-2847

阿肯色:  1-844-330-0506

亚利桑那州 (Phoenix area): 1-833-208-8009

亚利桑那州 (Tucson area): 1-833-208-7607

加州: 1-833-248-2797

科罗拉多州 (Denver area): 1-833-248-4721

康涅狄格州: 1-833-596-3057

特拉华州 (Dover area): 1-833-202-5491

佛罗里达 (Fort Myers area): 1-833-756-6587

佛罗里达 (Miami area): 1-844-245-4169

佛罗里达 (Tampa area): 1-833-772-1779

佛罗里达 (Pensacola area): 1-833-435-1728

佛罗里达 (Jacksonville area): 1-833-435-1752

佛罗里达 (Orlando area): 1-833-435-1731

佛罗里达 (Gainesville area): 1-833-435-1760

乔治亚州 (Atlanta area): 1-855-784-1476

乔治亚州 (Macon area): 1-844-294-1397

乔治亚州 (Valdosta area): 1-844-294-1918

伊利诺斯州 (Chicago area):  1-855-695-4200

印第安纳州 (印第安纳州polis area):  1-866-603-7609

印第安纳州 (Fort Wayne area):  1-866-603-7607

爱荷华州 (Des Moines area):  1-833-232-8319

爱荷华州 (Cedar Rapids area):  1-833-461-3834

堪萨斯: 1-833-270-4729

肯塔基州 (Louisville/Covington areas): 1-833-507-6222

缅因州: 1-844-330-0506

麻萨诸塞州: 1-844-330-0506

马里兰州: 1-833-219-2066

密歇根大学: 1-855-760-2220

明尼苏达州(UHCCP.com/明尼苏达州): 1-833-247-9591

密西西比州: 1-833-224-8270

密苏里州 (堪萨斯 City area): 1-833-270-4729

密苏里州(圣. 路易地区): 1-855-783-8039

新罕布什尔州: 1-844-330-0506

新泽西 (Toms River area): 1-833-202-5545

新泽西 (Newark area): 1-833-202-5512

纽约: 1-833-208-7305

北卡罗莱纳 (Winston Salem area): 1-833-776-6305

北卡罗莱纳 (Raleigh-Durham area): 1-844-245-5502

俄亥俄州 (Cincinnati area): 1-833-507-6222

俄亥俄州 (Cleveland/Columbus areas): 1-833-270-4723

俄克拉何马州 (俄克拉何马州 City area): 1-855-696-2379

俄克拉何马州 (Tulsa area): 1-855-443-4526

俄勒冈州: 1-833-270-4722

宾西法尼亚 (Harrisburg area): 1-833-250-9997

宾西法尼亚 (Pittsburgh area): 1-833-202-5494

罗得岛州: 1-833-709-8081

南卡罗来纳 (Charleston area): 1-833-202-5602

南卡罗来纳 (Columbia area): 1-833-202-5986

南卡罗来纳 (Greenville area): 1-833-202-5988

南卡罗来纳 (Myrtle Beach area): 1-833-202-5990

田纳西州: 1-833-453-2769

德州 (Dallas-Fort Worth): 1-855-759-2217

德州(寺庙): 1-855-760-1307

德州(休斯顿): 1-855-760-1968

德州 (San Antonio): 1-855-784-1439

维吉尼亚: 1-833-221-3615

华盛顿 (Spokane area): 1-833-270-4722

华盛顿 (Seattle area): 1-833-395-3140

威斯康辛州 (Green Bay area): 1-833-247-9623

威斯康辛州 (Milwaukee area): 1-833-247-9617


Other providers are available in UnitedHealthcare's network. Landmark may contract with other plans.

You may have a copay or a co-insurance; same as you would pay if you were to see your PCP.

UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and the 明尼苏达州 Medical Assistance (Medicaid) program to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees. Enrollment in UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® depends on contract renewal.

Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance 公司 or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan's contract renewal with Medicare.

Landmark services are provided by Landmark Health, LLC and its affiliated medical groups, part of Optum and the UnitedHealth Group family of businesses on behalf of UnitedHealthcare.

Landmark Health may not be available in all areas. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 for emergency medical help.

Benefits, features and/or devices vary by plan/area. Limitations, exclusions and/or network restrictions may apply.